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 보더랜드 2 슬롯 머신 전설 - 신뢰할 수 있는 사이트
作者:        发布时间:2022-01-07        点击数:


宁昊,博士后,202112月在bet365 가상 축구(威海)取得博士学位。研究方向为太阳爆发物理过程和射电辐射机制,主要基于粒子模拟方法研究日冕环境下的等离子体相干辐射过程,以此来解释和理解不同种类的太阳射电爆发活动。以第一作者身份在国际权威天文学期刊(ApJApJL等)发表4篇文章,参与发表SCI论文十余篇。研究成果先后被美国天文学会、RHESSI仪器团队以及欧洲太阳射电天文学家论坛(CESRA)等作为亮点工作报道。




20169—202112月,bet365 가상 축구(威海)空间科学与物理学院,理学博士

20129—20166月,bet365 가상 축구物理学院,理学学士


2021年,第四届bet365 가상 축구研究生学术之星提名奖

2021年,bet365 가상 축구空间科学研究院研究生优秀科研奖一等奖

2019年,bet365 가상 축구研究生一等学业奖学金

2018年,bet365 가상 축구研究生优秀学术成果奖二等奖


(1) H. Ning, Y. Chen*, S. Ni, C. Li, Z. Zhang, X.L. Kong, M. Yousefzadeh, Harmonic Maser Emissions from Electrons with Loss-cone Distribution in Solar Active Regions, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 2021, 920:L40 (8pp)

(2) H. Ning, Y. Chen*, S. Ni, C. Li, Z. Zhang, X.L. Kong, M. Yousefzadeh, Harmonic electron-cyclotron maser emissions driven by energetic electrons of the horseshoe distribution with application to solar radio spikes, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2021, 651, A118

(3) H. Ning, Y. Chen*, J. Lee, Z. Wu, Y. Su, X.L. Kong, Broken-up spectra of the loop-top hard X-ray source during a solar limb flare, Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2019, Vol. 19, No. 12, 173 (10pp)

(4) H. Ning, Y. Chen*, Z. Wu, Y. Su, H. Tian, G. Li, G. H. Du and H. Q. Song, Two-stage Energy Release Process of a Confined Flare with Double HXR Peaks, The Astrophysical Journal, 2018, 854:178 (12pp)

(5) M. Yousefzadeh, H. Ning, Y. Chen*, Harmonic Electron Cyclotron Maser Emission Excited by Energetic Electrons Traveling inside a Coronal Loop, The Astrophysical Journal, 2021, 909:3 (8pp)

(6) S. Ni, Y. Chen*, C. Li, J. Sun, H. Ning, Z. Zhang, An alternative form of the fundamental plasma emission through the coalescence of Z-mode waves with whistlers, Physics of Plasmas, 2021, 28, 040701

(7) C. Li, Y. Chen*, S. Ni, B. Tan, H. Ning, Z. Zhang, PIC Simulation of Double Plasma Resonance and Zebra Pattern of Solar Radio Bursts, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 2021, 909:L5 (9pp)

(8) J. Lee*, S. M. White, X. Chen, Y. Chen, H. Ning, Microwave Study of a Solar Circular Ribbon Flare, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 2020, 901:L10 (9pp)

(9) S. Ni, Y. Chen*, C. Li, Z. Zhang, H. Ning, Plasma Emission Induced by Electron Cyclotron Maser Instability in Solar Plasmas with a Large Ratio of Plasma Frequency to Gyrofrequency, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 2020, 891:L25 (8pp)

(10) B. Wang, Y. Chen*, Q. Hu, C. Jiang, H. Song, Z. Wu, H. Ning, A method of forced extrapolation of the global magnetic field in the solar corona, Science in China E: Technological Sciences, 2020, 63, 234-242

(11) Z. Wu, Y. Chen*, H. Ning, X.L. Kong, J. Lee, Gyrosynchrotron Emission Generated by Nonthermal Electrons with the Energy Spectra of a Broken Power Law, The Astrophysical Journal, 2019, 871:22(11pp)

(12) V. Vassanth, Y. Chen*, M. Lv, H. Ning, C. Li, S. Feng, Z. Wu, G. Du, Source Imaging of a moving Type IV Solar Radio Burst and Its Role in Tracking Coronal Mass Ejection from the Inner to the Outer Corona, The Astrophysical Journal, 2019, 870:30 (11pp)

(13) R. S. Zheng*, Y. Chen, Z. H. Huang, B. Wang, H. Q. Song and H. Ning, Two-sided-loop Jets Associated with Magnetic Reconnection between Emerging Loops and Twisted Filament Threads, The Astrophysical Journal, 2018, 861:108(11pp)

上一篇: 李汤姆
